This is the next phase after the "Safe Spot" phase


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전개 뷰 토픽의 리뷰: This is the next phase after the "Safe Spot" phase

This is the next phase after the "Safe Spot" phase

by 관중 » 2022년7월12일(화) 17:44

One of each associated affixes will appear in each direction from the direction the boss is heading 2K23 MT. It is crucial you have only one participant present in each safe location (for the affixes they are associated with, obviously) as if you have more than one in your safe area, only one will survive the shockwave Argos sends out.

To avoid this, before you begin phase one, someone in your group will most likely say "1234," followed by "NESW," or just the latter. That is, one party member will go North, the second party member goes east, the third party member turns south, and the fourth party member goes west.

This rule applies to both parties, because each member is assigned between one and four. While these safe spots will not always have spawning locations exactly to the north, east, south, or west of Argos however, they do spawn in the general direction, for example, if you're assigned to west, say the next time you visit, seek out your safe spot on the western side to the left of the boss.

This is the next phase after the "Safe Spot" phase. A drawn-out circle forms around Argos that slowly decreases before he sets himself up to be affixed in a neutral manner. Sun-affixed players that damage him will cause him to become sun-affixed, and moon players that damage him can cause him to be moon-affixed. The aim is to ensure he gets equally bad damage from those with the moon and sun attaches, so that it remains with his neutral attach.

If Argos is sun-affixed by time the dotted line runs out, he'll wipe away the moon-affixed players. This is the same with the other way around. If the neutral-attached man is in neutral mode when the dotted line diminishes Buy NBA 2K23 MT Safe, he'll get stunned for a short period of time.

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